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Midnight Sandwich
Media Noche     
by Cuban Cook
Serves: 2  

Notes:Medianoche or "Midnight" sandwich, so named because of the sandwich's popularity as a staple served in Havana's night clubs around or after midnight.


1. Prehead the oven to 375 degrees. Spread one half of  each bun with mayonnaise, and the remaining halves with mustard. Distribute the filling ingredients eaqually between the mayonnaise-spread halves, starting with the pickle, followed by the cheese, pork and ham, and top with the mustard-spread halves, making 2 sandwiches.

2. Place the sandwiches on a lightly oiled baking shhet and brush the tops lightly with butter. Place a heavy cast-iron skillet over both sandwiches to weigh them down and bake util crisp and hot, 15 to 20 minutes.


  • 2 - Buns Soft egg buns egg dinner rolls, halved.
  • 1 - Tablespoon Mayonnaise
  • 1 - Teaspoon Prepared mustard
  • 2 - Pickles Small dill pickles, thinly sliced lengthwise.
  • 2 - Slices Swiss cheese.
  • 4 - Ounces Thinly sliced cooked pork loin or roast pork.
  • 4 - Ounces Sliced boiled or baked ham.
  • 1/2 - Teaspoon Salted butter for brushing.

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